World Peace &
Cultural Foundation
To respond to social responsibilities Dawn group of companies, under the leadership
of its chairman and CEO, is relentlessly working for the poor, distress and the have-nots
through their NGO’s (non government organizations) such as:
World Peace and cultural foundation (WPCF),
Shojagh Foundation, Abolombon
World Peace & Cultural Foundation is very much active and …
stands besides the poor, helpless and distress people, during any natural calamities like Sidr, Tornado, Flood, Aila. Since its foundation in the year 2001, World Peace and Cultural foundation (WPCF) has been working in the field of Awareness building Programme in STD, HIV/AIDs, Arsenic, Family Planning, Primary Health Care,
and Sanitation in the different parts of the country. It is also working in the field of child and woman rights. With a group of experienced and devoted people WPCF has been rendering services to the Low income group like rickshawpullers, truck and bus drivers, daily labourers, slum dwellers, small craftsmen, small traders and unemployed people of the country. It provides financial assistance (micro-credit and SME loans) to the urban and rural people for their income generation and economic emancipation and to fulfill their basic needs and to improve their standard of living.

WPCF is at present implementing
the inspiring programmes like
- Advocacy.
- Awareness building Programme.
- Health Programme.
- Awareness on STD/HIV/AIDs through multimedia Projection.x
- Arsenic detection and mitigation.
- Control of malnutrition
- Maternal and child health
- Reproduction health
- Immunization Programme (EPI)
- Women and child rights
- Rehabilitation of street urchin.
( Link to Website )
World Peace & Cultural Foundation
Awards & Recognitions

House # 23/A, Road # 02,
Level # D/4, Banani DOHS,
Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh.

Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm
Available – 24 X 7 online