Dawn Crete
As a leading supplier and manufacturer of specialty construction
chemicals, QuiCseAL is the prime provider of waterproofing membranes as well
as a host of other construction chemicals and products for the making of the Garden by the
Bay. The company is dedicated to provide high performing standards and quality of his
products, and is a corporate member of the Singapore Green Building Council and Singapore
Environment Council. QUICSEAL supplied a wide range of construction related materials for
companied involved in the project.

Prestigious Projects under
- Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC).
- Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC).
- Bangladesh Mineral Exploration & Development Corporation (BMEDC).
- Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC).
- Military Engineering Services (MES).
Dawn Group is enlisted with various Government, Semi- Government,
Autonomous and Private Organizations like Public works department (PWD),
Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB),Roads and Highways Department
(RHD), Housing and Settlement Department (H&SD), Military Engineering services
(MES), Dhaka City Corporation, Khulna City Corporation, Chittagong City Corporation,
DGC is also working as local agent, sole distributor of a lots of foreign reputed
companies with good rapport.
Concrete Repairs & Additives
Silica Based Floor Hardener
- Pre-packed – easy and economical to apply.
- Forms monolithic bond with base concrete.
- Provides a hard, abrasion resistant surface.
- Resistant to oil and rease.
- Non-metallic – QI-JI&SEAL 535 provides a non-slip, non-rusting surface.
Monolithic Surface Hardening Compound E
- Pre-packed – easy and economical to apply.
- Increased abrasion and impact resistance.
- Provides an extremely strong, hard wearing, abrasion and impact resistant surface.
- Resistant to oil and grease.
- Non-metallic-QUICSEAL 536 provides a non-slip, non-rusting surface. Sealer
- Improve abrasion and impact resistance.
- Improve resistance to oil and grease penetration Improve surface hardness- eliminates dust formation form within the
- treated surfaces.
- Can be applied to new and old concrete surfaces.
- Easy to apply.
( Explore Our Other Companies ) Symbiosis Edu. Group Dawnware
Awards & Recognitions

House # 23/A, Road # 02,
Level # D/4, Banani DOHS,
Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh.

Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm

Available – 24 X 7 online