KidZCare– a little candle of hope and aspirations in the dark and frustrated world for children with special needs in Bangladesh started its endless Journey in August, 2009, under the chairmanship of Mr. S. M. Eshad Hussain Rana, imbued with the social responsibilities for doing something for the children with special needs.
Mr. Rana is also the President of Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) Bangladesh Chapter. According to UN universal declaration on human rights – Every child is born free and equal. Education is born right.”
But we see a very gloomy, frustrating and disappointing picture in the context of Bangladesh. More than 10% children of the total population are “Special needs” children. From this scenario, “KIDZCARE” emerged as a light of hope and aspiration in the field of disappointment and frustration.
It is a unique combination of therapeutic intervention and special needs education. Coping up with the demand of the time, kidzcare has introduced activities of quality intervention, special needs education and related research and training facilities. It is an organization- where a group of multidisciplinary teams are working in the field of child development. It has close collaboration with main streaming and International Chain Pre-school “Kidzee” and English medium high school “Brighton” for successful inclusive education programme.
KidZcare is a charity not involved in business.
Our Slogan / Motto: “Special children for special rights.”
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KIDZCARE School Brighton School
Awards & Recognitions

House # 23/A, Road # 02,
Level # D/4, Banani DOHS,
Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh.

Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm
Available – 24 X 7 online